Shenzhen International Photography Week 2014

2014 第一届深圳国际摄影周

2014.10.22 – 2014.10.30

About 活动简介

Guillaume Hebert ( 季勇 )

Guillaume Hebert, also called Guillelmus Paulus Julianus, is a French visual artist born April 27, 1969 in Normandy. He graduated from the School of Fine Arts in Caen (DNSEP : National Superior Diploma of Plastic Arts). He lives and works in Berlin since...

Marie-PauleNègre 玛丽·保勒·奈格

Listed in the great tradition of reporting, member of the Leica Foundation, Marie-Paule Nègre perpetuates the lineage of the photographers of the moment. Co-founder of the MÉTIS agency in 1989, she received the Prix Nièpce in 1995, which rewards her...

Eric Bourret 埃里克·布雷特

Born in 1964 in Paris, Éric Bourret lives and works in the South of France and in the Himalayas. His work as an “artist-walker” participates in the tradition of Land Art and land surveying photography. Since the early 1990s, he has been...

Bruno Barbey 布鲁诺 · 巴贝

Bruno Babe was elected as a Life Fellow of French Academy of Fine Arts, beside him is his wife Caroline, Paris, April 2018. 布鲁诺·巴贝当选法兰西艺术院终身院士,身边是他的夫人卡罗琳,巴黎,2018 年4 月 Bruno Barbey was born in Morocco in 1941, and has dual nationality in France...

Stephen White 斯蒂芬·怀特

Photography Dealer Goes Out on a High Note : Art: After selling his personal collection to a Tokyo museum last year for a hefty sum, Stephen White will close his gallery to concentrate on writing, collecting and curating. After surviving 15 years in a difficult...

Edward Steichen 爱德华·斯泰肯

­Steichen Then, Now, and Again: Legacies of an Icon by A. D. Coleman Prelude On February 14, 2006, an auction at Sotheby's in New York City set a record for the highest price ever paid for a single photograph. The image in question, a moonlit landscape created in...


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The main exhibition area

The main exhibition area will be located at Shenzhen Art Museum where the opening ceremony for the Shenzhen International Photography Week 2014 will be held. Shenzhen Art Museum will also host the award ceremony for the winning entries for the 1st Shenzhen China International Exhibition of Photography as well as a series of special exhibitions of works by world renowned photographers, including: an exhibition of Edward Steichen’s work “Then, Now, and Again: Legacies of an Icon”; the exhibition “A History of Color Photography” by photographer Stephen White; an exhibition of “The Oldest Photographs of China” by 19th Century photographer Felice Beato; and exhibitions of Jerry Uelsmann’s “Prima Facie” and Maggie Taylor’s “Circumstantial Evidence”.

主展区: 深圳美术馆

  • 举办本届国际摄影周的开幕式暨2014 首届深圳国际摄影艺术展览获奖作品展
  • 2014 首届深圳摄影周特别展: 爱德华·斯泰肯 “一个偶像的遗产”
  • 2014 首届深圳摄影周特别展: 斯蒂芬·怀特收藏展“彩色摄影历史”
  • 费利斯·比托的“中国老照片”
  • 杰瑞.. 尤斯曼个展“直接证据”
  • 玛姬·泰勒个展“间接证据”

Exhibition Area No. 2: Luohu Art Gallery Exhibition Hall

  • Jan Saudek: “Images in Front of the Crumbling Wall”;
  • Arno Rafael Minkkinen: “SAGA”;
  • George Tice: “The Poetry of the Everyday”;
  • Ralph Gibson: “A Nonlinear Way of Being”;
  • Gabriela Morawetz: “Away from You, Close to You”;
  • An Exhibition of Czech Contemporary Photography;
  • Original works by photographer Brett Weston;

Exhibition Area No. 3: Wutong Mountain Artistic Town Dawang Art Area

  • Works by Jonah Calinawan;
  • Wendy Sacks: “Immersed in Living Water”;
  • South Africa Photography Exhibition;
  • A Solo Exhibition of Taiwan photographer, Tianfu LIN: “Mobile Photography”;

Exhibition Area No. 4: East Gate Street Photography Plaza

  • Hiroji Kubota and Huansong CAI: “Visiting and Returning”

Exhibition Area No. 5: Luohu Cultural Center Exhibition Hall

  • “Civilization Makes Our Lives More Beautiful” Photography Exhibition

Exhibition Area No. 6: Shenzhen Museum (Old Museum)

  • Studio Harcourt Paris 80 Years of Photography: “World Famous Portraits” Photography Exhibition

Exhibition Area No. 7: Shenzhen Wenbo Palace

  • European Association of Photographic Art Works Exhibition

Exhibition Area No. 8: Shenzhen Central Bookstore(Shenzhen Gallery)

  • Solo Exhibition by Chinese-Canadian Photographer, Yueheng DUAN: “Black and White World”

Exhibition Area No. 9: OCT Art and Design Gallery

  • Yankang YANG: “Image from the Heart”

Exhibition Area No. 10: Yachang Art Gallery

  • Works by 10 Shenzhen photographers: Fu CHEN, Jianhua HE, Chengyi SUN, Chen WANG, Shi WANG, Haibo YU, Yankang YANG, Hui ZHANG (Fem.), Guohua ZHONG and Qing ZHAO.


Location: Luohu Art Gallery Lecture Hall
October 23rd 09:30am – 10:30am:
Arno Rafael Minkkinen: My 40 Years of Self-Portraits
October 23rd 11:00am – 12:00pm:
Xi WANG: Old China Photos
October 23rd 14:00pm – 15:30pm:
Stephen White: My Favorites
October 23rd 16:00pm – 17:30pm:
Jan Pohribný: 20th Century Czech Photography Organizers

第二展区: 罗湖美术馆展览

  • 简·索德克个展“残墙前的影像”
  • 阿诺·拉菲尔·闵奇恩个展“SAGA ”
  • 乔治·泰斯个展“寻常中的诗意 ”
  • 拉夫·吉布森个展“生命的非线性存在”
  • 卡别耶拉·莫拉维茨 个展“地远天近”
  • 捷克当代摄影联展
  • 布雷特·韦斯顿原作展

第三展区: 梧桐山艺术小镇大望艺术高地

  • 乔纳·卡莉那宛作品展
  • 温蒂·塞克斯个展“沉浸如水”
  • 南非摄影师联展
  • 台湾摄影家林添福个展“手机摄影”

第四展区: 东门步行街摄影广场

  • 久保田博二与蔡焕松的联展“到访·还乡”

第五展区: 罗湖区文化馆展厅

  • “文明让我们的生活更美丽”摄影展览。

第六展区: 深圳市博物馆( 旧馆)

  • 巴黎雅顾摄影八十周年“世界名人肖像摄影展”。

第七展区: 深圳市文博宫

  • 欧洲摄影艺术协会作品联展。

第八展区: 深圳中心书城( 深圳艺廊)

  • 加拿大籍华人摄影家段岳衡个展“黑白世界”。

第九展区: 华美术馆

  • 杨延康个展“心像”。

第十展区: 雅昌艺术馆

  • 深圳摄影师陈富、贺建华、孙成毅、王琛、王石、余海波、杨延康、张晖( 女)、钟国华、赵青十人联展。


地点: 罗湖美术馆演讲厅
“40 年荒漠之旅- 阿诺·拉斐尔·闵奇恩” 主讲人——画儿
时间:10 月23 日上午9:30-10:30
“中国老照片” 主讲人——王溪
时间:10 月23 日上午11:00-12:00
“我的摄影收藏” 主讲人——斯蒂芬·怀特
时间:10 月23 日下午2:00–3:30
“20 世纪捷克摄影” 主讲人——彦·派瑞比尼
时间:10 月23 日下午4:00-5:30



Organizer 主办单位

  • Shenzhen Association for International Culture Exchanges
  • Shenzhen Muricipal Bureau of Culture Sport and Tourism
  • Shenzhen Luohu Federation of Literary And Art Circles
  • Shenzhen Luohu District People’s Government

Sponsor 承办单位

  • Shenzhen Luohu District Publicity Department
    (Culture and Sports District Bureau)
    深圳市罗湖区委宣传部( 区文化体育局)

Co-Organizer 协办单位

  • International Department of the China Senior Photographers Association
  • Guangdong Province Photographers Association
  • China Photography Online
  • Shenzhen Photographers Association
  • Shenzhen photographic society
  • Shenzhen Luohu photographic society
  • Shenzhen Entrepreneurs Photographic Society
  • Shenzhen Luohu Cultural Center

Supporting Institutions 支持单位

  • Shenzhen Publicity and Cultural Development Fund
  • Shenzhen Art Museum
  • Shenzhen Museum
  • OCT Art and Design Gallery
  • Yachang Art Museum
  • Luohu Art Gallery
  • Wutong Mountain Artistic Town Dawang Art Area
  • Shenzhen Wenbo Palace