

贺建华 He Jian Hua

贺建华: 中国摄影家协会商业摄影委员会委员; 美国IPP职业摄影师 协会会员; 广东省摄影家协会商业摄影委员会副主任; 深圳市广告协 会广告摄影师专业委员会会长; 深圳市摆渡人摄影设计有限公司执行 创意总监 从事商业广告摄影二十多年,专注商业摄影中珠宝及奢侈品的摄影研 究。以独树一帜的摄影手法和精湛的用光技巧,准确地诠释着奢侈品 的内在精神与外在形式。注重视觉心理学及消费心理学在摄影中的研 究与运用。为国内外众多知名品牌成功策划及拍摄创意广告。摄影作 品在历届中国广告摄影大赛等国家级赛事中连年获奖,并在国内外各...

陈富 Chen Fu

陈富、吉林人,毕业于南开大学摄影专业。现任深圳特区报摄影部主 任,高级记者。中国摄影家协会会员,中国新闻摄影学会副秘书长、 广东省摄影家协会纪实委员会副主任,深圳市新闻摄影学会常务副会长。 从事新闻摄影工作三十年来,曾采访拍摄过香港回归、澳门回归、多 次采访中国共产党代表大会;全国人大、政协会议、拍摄过一百多位 中外国家领导人及元首。先后在《吉林日报》、《深圳特区报》、及 部分中央报刊发表近万幅新闻图片。其中有100多幅分别在国内外摄 影展览和大赛中获奖。《浅谈新闻摄影的视觉语言》、《新闻摄影的...


I have not finished any art or design college, I did just Energy. And I love what the do. How many of us can boast this ? I am a human observer, being the subject of my work. I like to think that the captured moments give the meaning of words can not be expressed,...


I was born in Oradea, Romania in August 11, 1982. The Art was always part of my life, therefore I was graduated the Arts High School (Graphic-Section), and the University of Arts - Graphic Designer department. In 1996, I met Mr. Stefan Csontos my photography...

Paul Bock

When I was visiting an Italian style villa on the coast, I noticed strange and interesting patterns etched by the weather in the limestone stepping-stones leading to the sandy beach. These patterns were barely visible to the eye, but they inspired me to photograph...


October to December 2010 - photography training “Nufarul” Oradea Photo Club; March 2011 - “Nufarul” Oradea Photo Club membership; 2012 - AAFR (Romanian Photography Art Association) membership; 2012 - AFIAP recognition; 2014 - EFIAP recognition; 2011 to 2014: Over 400...


A graduate of the course of Photographic Technique and art Analog-2008 A graduate of the course of Photographic Digital-2008 Practitioner of photography 2008 Photographic Club Nufarul member of the 2009 Member of AAFR since 2010 Member of PSA since 2010 The...