

Guillaume Hebert ( 季勇 )

Guillaume Hebert, also called Guillelmus Paulus Julianus, is a French visual artist born April 27, 1969 in Normandy. He graduated from the School of Fine Arts in Caen (DNSEP : National Superior Diploma of Plastic Arts). He lives and works in Berlin since...

Marie-PauleNègre 玛丽·保勒·奈格

Listed in the great tradition of reporting, member of the Leica Foundation, Marie-Paule Nègre perpetuates the lineage of the photographers of the moment. Co-founder of the MÉTIS agency in 1989, she received the Prix Nièpce in 1995, which rewards her...

Eric Bourret 埃里克·布雷特

Born in 1964 in Paris, Éric Bourret lives and works in the South of France and in the Himalayas. His work as an “artist-walker” participates in the tradition of Land Art and land surveying photography. Since the early 1990s, he has been...

Bruno Barbey 布鲁诺 · 巴贝

Bruno Babe was elected as a Life Fellow of French Academy of Fine Arts, beside him is his wife Caroline, Paris, April 2018. 布鲁诺·巴贝当选法兰西艺术院终身院士,身边是他的夫人卡罗琳,巴黎,2018 年4 月 Bruno Barbey was born in Morocco in 1941, and has dual nationality in France...

Stephen White 斯蒂芬·怀特

Photography Dealer Goes Out on a High Note : Art: After selling his personal collection to a Tokyo museum last year for a hefty sum, Stephen White will close his gallery to concentrate on writing, collecting and curating. After surviving 15 years in a difficult...

Edward Steichen 爱德华·斯泰肯

­Steichen Then, Now, and Again: Legacies of an Icon by A. D. Coleman Prelude On February 14, 2006, an auction at Sotheby's in New York City set a record for the highest price ever paid for a single photograph. The image in question, a moonlit landscape created in...

Felice Beato 菲利斯.比托

1860, 比托镜头下的老北京 - 第二次鸦片战争中珍贵的摄影相册 文:王溪 一. 维多利亚时期的殖民主义摄影 摄影自1839年达盖尔宣布摄影术(Daguerreotype)以来,几乎立刻被运用到欧洲的海外扩张探险当中。 1840-1850年代,科学家塔尔博特(William Henry Fox Talbot)发明了卡罗式照相法(Calotype),摄影的复制与传播成为可能。早期的卡罗式摄影法影像不锐利、曝光时间长、专利授权却价格不菲,导致这一时期的摄影依然与探险者相距甚远。这种情况的扭转,是在摄影“湿板”(wet...

Brett Weston 布雷特·韦斯顿

Brett Weston Bio Books A Restless Eye: A Biography of Photographer Brett Weston, John Charles Woods, Erica Weston Editions LLC. MO. 2011. Brett Weston: Out of the Shadow, ed. Stephen Bennett Phillips, Oklahoma City Museum of Art, OK. 2008. Fifteen Photographs, Brett...

George Tice 乔治 • 泰斯

George A. Tice: Curriculum Vitae Books by George Tice Fields of Peace, A Pennsylvania German Album New York: Doubleday, 1970 Text by Millen Brand Goodbye, River, Goodbye New York: Doubleday, 1971 Text by George Mendoza Paterson New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers...

Jerry N. Uelsmann 杰瑞·尤斯曼

Jerry N. Uelsmann Born in Detroit on June 11,1934, Jerry Uelsmann received his B.F.A. Degree at the Rochester Institute of Technology in 1957 and his M.S. and M.F.A. at Indiana University in 1960. He began teaching photography at the University of Florida in...

Arno Rafael Minkkinen 阿诺·拉斐尔·闵奇恩

By A. D. Coleman On September 2, 1971, on the outskirts of Millerton, New York, the Finnish-American photograph- er Arno Rafael Minkkinen began making images of himself unclothed — and never stopped. Minkkinen does not seem to have set forth deliberately to carve out...

Jan Saudek 简.索德克

Jan Saudek Bio Jan Saudek is nowadays the most renowned Czech photographer in the world. He has had over 400 one- man shows held at. His photographs are included in the most important world collections: The Art Institute of Chicago / Boston Museum of Fine Arts/ Centre...

Ralph Gibson 拉夫·吉普森

Ralph Gibson Bio BORN January 16th, 1939, Los Angeles, California RESIDES New York, New York EDUCATION 1967-68: Assistant to Robert Frank 1961-62: Assistant to Dorthea Lange 1960-62: San Francisco Art Institute 1956-60: Studied photography, U.S. Navy AWARDS 2007 The...

Maggie Taylor 玛姬·泰勒

Maggie Taylor Maggie Taylor received her BA degree in philosophy from Yale University and her MFA degree in photography from the University of Florida. After more than ten years as a still-life photographer, she began to use the computer to create her images in 1996....

Ivan Pinkava 伊万·平卡瓦

Ivan Pinkava Bio Solo exhibitions / selection 1990 Ivan Pinkava - Fotografien, Fotogalerie in der Brotfabrik, Berlin, Německo 1992 Dynastie, Pražský dům fotografie, Praha, Československo Ivan Pinkava, Hippolyte Gallery, Helsinky, Finsko 1995 Portréty, Galerie Pallas,...

Igor Malijevsky 伊戈尔 · 玛丽杰维斯

Born in 1970. Czech poet and photographer. Selected Exhibition: 2003 The photographic Eye, Gallery of Fotofest, Huston, USA 2006 Imago Fotokunst, Berlin, Germany 2007 Czech Centre Budapest, Hungary 2008 Photographs Do Not Bend Gallery, Dallas, USA 2010 Henry Gregg...

Jan Pohribný 简·派瑞比尼

Jan Pohribný Bio Jan Pohribný, an artist from Czech Republic, has set out in a different direction. The countryside he makes present in his photographic pictures is merely a product of his imagination. It exists exclusively as a photographic object created for this...

Milan Fano Blatny 米兰·凡诺·贝特尼

Born in 1972 in Brno, Moravia, Czech republic and still lives there. In 2008 graduated as BcA in photography, in 2012 as MgA in photography at Silesian University in Opava, Czech republic. Winner of the portfolio review at FOTOFO festival, Bratislava, 2003. First...