Brett Weston

Brett Weston seemed destined from birth to become one of our greatest American photographic artists. Born in Los Angeles in 1911, the second son of photographer Edward Weston, he had perhaps the closest artistic relationship with his famous father of all four of the...

Ivan Pinkava

Pinkava’s works primarily makes merciless reference to the state of the human spirit of the individual in ‘Western’ culture. Searching for the essence, he offers certain generalizations of his reflections, presenting them in generally comprehensible cultural codes. He...


该访谈最初发表在《后背取景相机》杂志上。 乔治·泰斯从事摄影已超过四十年了。1938年出生于新泽西州纽瓦克,十四岁加入卡特雷特摄影俱乐部。16岁时离开学校,去纽瓦克一家肖像影室担任暗房助理。一年后,他加入了美国海军,给一位摄影师担任助手。之后他又担任家庭肖像摄影师达十年之久。当泰斯的兴趣从职业转向个人创作时,他将镜头对准了美国的都市景观。...