Visions of possible worlds 可能世界的幻象

Contemporary Czech Photography Fano Blatný Václav Jirásek Igor Malijevsky Ivan Pinkava Jan Pohribný Miro Švolík Peter Župník Although a small country in central Europe, the Czech Republic, like Holland, Hungary, and Switzerland, has a strong photographic tradition. In...

“真实”与真实 – 杰瑞·尤斯曼与玛姬·泰勒

这是⼀一个奇幻的世界,向我们开启了许多扇通往奇妙的变幻多姿的梦幻世界之⻔门,不 管是⿊黑⽩白还是彩⾊色,不管是银盐反应幻化的物质影像还是由“1”“0”构成的数字影像。杰瑞·尤 斯曼与玛姬·泰勒的作品⾥里任何⼀一个单位元素,云朵、湖⽔水、 树⽉⽊木 、蜜蜂、斑⻢马… 这些都是 我们再熟悉不过的,可以轻易辨认,这些都是构成真实世界的真实元素。但是他们打乱了物 体原本的规律,在视觉上运⽤用真实的元素把我们带⼊入了另外⼀一个内⼼心的“真实”世界。 从⼀一开始,尤斯曼就在这超现实的作品形象地表现了梦境、魔幻、想象、幻觉中的场...


I have not finished any art or design college, I did just Energy. And I love what the do. How many of us can boast this ? I am a human observer, being the subject of my work. I like to think that the captured moments give the meaning of words can not be expressed,...


I was born in Oradea, Romania in August 11, 1982. The Art was always part of my life, therefore I was graduated the Arts High School (Graphic-Section), and the University of Arts – Graphic Designer department. In 1996, I met Mr. Stefan Csontos my photography...
Paul Bock

Paul Bock

When I was visiting an Italian style villa on the coast, I noticed strange and interesting patterns etched by the weather in the limestone stepping-stones leading to the sandy beach. These patterns were barely visible to the eye, but they inspired me to photograph...