文献Ivan Pinkava
Pinkava’s works primarily makes merciless reference to the state of the human spirit of the individual in ‘Western’ culture. Searching for the essence, he offers certain generalizations of his reflections, presenting them in generally comprehensible cultural codes. He...
该访谈最初发表在《后背取景相机》杂志上。 乔治·泰斯从事摄影已超过四十年了。1938年出生于新泽西州纽瓦克,十四岁加入卡特雷特摄影俱乐部。16岁时离开学校,去纽瓦克一家肖像影室担任暗房助理。一年后,他加入了美国海军,给一位摄影师担任助手。之后他又担任家庭肖像摄影师达十年之久。当泰斯的兴趣从职业转向个人创作时,他将镜头对准了美国的都市景观。...
The Poetry of the Everyday: The Photographs of George Tice 寻常中的诗意: 乔治·泰斯的摄影作品
by A. D. Coleman It takes the passage of time before an image of a commonplace subject can be assessed. The great difficulty of what I attempt is seeing beyond the moment; the everydayness of life gets in the way of the eternal. -- George Tice Garry Winogrand once...
Steichen Then, Now, and Again: Legacies of an Icon 斯泰肯今昔钩沉: 一个偶像的遗产
by A. D. Coleman Prelude On February 14, 2006, an auction at Sotheby's in New York City set a record for the highest price ever paid for a single photograph. The image in question, a moonlit landscape created in 1904, was a complexly handmade object: a platinum print...
收藏家的人生 《Le Monde》
记者 Patrick Roegiers see+ gallery 王湛 译 起初只是爱好者的史蒂芬·怀特建立了世界上最美的摄影收藏:十九世纪的无名氏摄影作品。 “这些努力的背后只是一个很简单的想法,”史蒂芬·怀特说,“这个想法在我开始收藏时并不明朗,后来才逐渐清晰起来。 50年代,当我还年轻时,我没有我朋友苏珊·桑塔格那样的智慧,也没有拉夫·吉普森的眼力,我想找到这个世界的意义,我常常问我自己许多无解的问题。” 那个世纪人们想要稳定,每个人都想要平凡。在大学,我读赫尔曼·黑塞, 洛特雷阿蒙和阿尔贝·加缪。通过黑塞,...
Introduction by Serge Fauchereau Our everyday lives are surrounded, hemmed in, enclosed and imprisoned from morning to night by photographic images that shape even our dreams – this mouthwatering food product, that fashionable garment, this moving scene soliciting our...
A Nonlinear Way of Being The Photographs of Ralph Gibson 生命的非线性存在 ——拉夫·吉布森的摄影
A Nonlinear Way of Being The Photographs of Ralph Gibson by A. D. Coleman "To think visually is a . . . nonlinear way of being." — Ralph Gibson, in an interview with Bob Bishop, November 1988 The generation of American photographers that came of age professionally as...
Visions of possible worlds 可能世界的幻象
Contemporary Czech Photography Fano Blatný Václav Jirásek Igor Malijevsky Ivan Pinkava Jan Pohribný Miro Švolík Peter Župník Although a small country in central Europe, the Czech Republic, like Holland, Hungary, and Switzerland, has a strong photographic tradition. In...
“真实”与真实 – 杰瑞·尤斯曼与玛姬·泰勒
这是⼀一个奇幻的世界,向我们开启了许多扇通往奇妙的变幻多姿的梦幻世界之⻔门,不 管是⿊黑⽩白还是彩⾊色,不管是银盐反应幻化的物质影像还是由“1”“0”构成的数字影像。杰瑞·尤 斯曼与玛姬·泰勒的作品⾥里任何⼀一个单位元素,云朵、湖⽔水、 树⽉⽊木 、蜜蜂、斑⻢马... 这些都是 我们再熟悉不过的,可以轻易辨认,这些都是构成真实世界的真实元素。但是他们打乱了物 体原本的规律,在视觉上运⽤用真实的元素把我们带⼊入了另外⼀一个内⼼心的“真实”世界。 从⼀一开始,尤斯曼就在这超现实的作品形象地表现了梦境、魔幻、想象、幻觉中的场...